GET EXCITED!! We have decided to DROP our pricing!! So far, we've dropped the price on Coco83, Coco84X and Soy 10 waxes! The Fragrance Oil prices will be dropping in the next few days as well. So check back soon on those! Here is why we're doing this...
Eryn and I (sisters, chandlers & co-owners of AWW Candle Supply) saw a need in our neck of the woods (Oklahoma) for a supplier, so we decided to launch the candle supply business 1 1/2 years ago while we continue to grow our retail business. Although good profit margins are crucial to longevity and sustainability in business, the candle supply business is simply to fill a need and is not our sole or primary income.
In a time that small businesses are closing their doors all too often, it's our desire to help our fellow entrepreneurs be MORE profitable in this crazy economy while we also continue to do the same with our own retail business. So we decided to cut our profits with AWW Candle Supply to increase your bottom dollar!
Shop our new wax prices here:
Here's to a profitable and prosperous season in your business,
Eryn + Amanda
P.S. Don't forget to check back for price drops on Fragrance Oils in the next week!
P.S.S. If you love the scent of tropical suntan lotion, you're going to want to try our newest addition coming soon - Suntan Lotion! It's coconut, banana and musk and makes us ready for the beach!!